My Neighbor Totoro, by Hayao Miyazaki, is my favourite animated films.
The story revolves around two young girls, one around ten years old
(Satsuki) and her sister (Mei) about four, and their encounter with Totoro,
a wood-spirit like creature that looks like a cross between an owl and
a Cheshire cat. They have just moved into a new house that needs
some fixing up, and they are waiting to hear from the hospital on how
their mother is doing. As
they adapt to their new environment, Mei is the first to stumble upon
Totoro, who lives in a
hollow under a giant Camphor tree. Eventually Satsuki meets him too.
Adults cannot see Totoro. Through Totoro the girls are introduced to a
wider world that adults can't see and have some interesting adventures.
Big Totoro (gray) O Totoro
Middle Totoro (blue) Chu Totoro
Little Totoro (white) Chibi Totoro